Hello everybody, On Isra' Mikraj public holiday Wang Panjang has been re-visited by NXTeam and friends. For Chan NXT this ride is the revenge for his bended rotor during previous ride. The presence of about 20 mountainbikers was a sudden shocked indeed and this oppurtunity is taken to make more friends in this arena. Well, nuff' said. Enjoy the picture ya!
Mr. Ron from TRM having a chat with all the riders. He is a crowd puller and that is definite. Thanks Mr. Ron! Giving some tips and advise maybe!
Queuing up for pre-ride photo. Well, there are about 20 riders and for sure the quality wouldn't satisfy some of us.
Hah! At last the photographer found the right angle to take an overall shot. Just for us to take note : the camera used is Nikon Coolpix 12. It's not meant for professional photo.
Bang Mat NXT and Cikgu SMKPs
This is the view.......
Hmmm...... couldn't tell the altitude of the location.
First pit stop, everybody seem to be happy but beware technical descending is ahead.
What are you doing Zaki? Hmmm... I can recall the position bro!
Ooopss...!!! Slippery platform pedal. Cleats anybody?
That's great! Free durian on the way to the second pit stop. You guys are daring, durians produces gas bro ........ those who tail you wouild be very unfortunate heheheh.......