It has been nearly a month and Ramadhan is reaching the end. During this fasting month NXT has organized few get together rides and it turned to be quite successful. Thanks and greatest gratitude to those who joined. It was indeed a pleasure to have such a sporting crowd where some event ride from kangar and meet up at Changloon. A salute to them! NXT would like to take this opportunity to ask for forgiveness if our actions, words and etc have caused anger or frustration. We are mere mortals and we do make mistakes. Hopefully after Eid-ul Fitri our activity will continue to run as usual. A Happy hari raya wish to: NXTeam, TRM, Loso, M.Kedah,Redflag Team, GTG Cycling Team, Langkawi 99Bikes, Adi Harriman, Abg Ramly SP, Zieman , Wan XXXtremesport, Canopus, Kelolo and other MTB comrades that I forgot to mention here.
Selamat Hari Raya! Maaf Zahir dan Batin!